Wednesday, February 2, 2011

this is a test

...a test on my nerves where each frayed end is sat down in a desk with a lemon ammonia-scented linoleum surface and then forced to wrap itself around a No. 2 pencil. The sharpened graphite scratches out a white-noise groove like claws of a hamster on the inside of an over-sized, frosted glass stein. Let me out, let me out they seem to say in their flurry of manic scribblings. Out. Let me out. Out.

In the room there is not anyone nor anything. Their is only yourself. The room is filled with a transparent light. The transparent light gradually turns into a silver white color. The room is light. At this moment you feel your body is radiating with light. Now, please put your mind at the membrane under your skin and above your flesh. You feel at this place a numb, hot, expanding sensation. You feel at the place under your skin and above your flesh a kind of pressure. Please visualize there is a force squeezing and pushing outward at the place under your skin and above your flesh. At this moment you feel all over your body the feelings of numb, hot and expanding. They are increasing. Increasing. Increasing. And increasing.

Ong ga bayro ga swaha.  Ong ga bayro ga swaha. Ong ga bayro ga swaha.

The water is coming down. It is pouring out of the center of your palms and the center of the souls of your feet.

At this moment you feel from your body the feelings of numb, hot and expanding are increasing. Increasing. Increasing.

You feel your body generating a feeling that's vibrating, vibrating, vibrating.

Ong ga bayro ga swaha. Ong ga bayro ga swaha. Ong ga bayro ga swaha.
Ong ga bayro ga swaha. Ong ga bayro ga swaha. Ong ga bayro ga swaha.

Please continue to chant in silence.

Ong ga bayro ga swaha. Ong ga bayro ga swaha. Ong ga bayro ga swaha.
Ong ga bayro ga swaha. Ong ga bayro ga swaha. Ong ga bayro ga swaha.

Please continue to chant in silence.

The mantra generating and releasing dharma is complete.

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